Week #11 — Note from the Farmer

Dear CSA Member

What beautiful summer weather. Hot and sunny, just enough rain to keep things growing. Tomatoes, Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers and Onions. A wonderful summer time share.

New this week is Fararo Cabbage. A larger round head of green cabbage to make summer time salads now that the lettuce is gone until fall.

Toma Verde Tomatillos for the first time this season. Tomatillos, also known as Mexican husk tomato. Not a tomato but in the same family, tomatillos can be eaten raw or cooked and are the main ingredient in Salsa Verde. There are good Tomatillo recipes on the farm website. Select The Farm tab and then Recipes.

Enjoy the harvest.
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

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