Week #6 — Note from the Farmer

Dear CSA member:

Moving into summertime in the fields. A new set of photos of the potato fields in bloom have been posted on the Farm News section of the farm website: https://www.stoneledgefarmny.com/on-the-farm/farm-blog and also on the farm FaceBook page. Potatoes are beautiful when in bloom. Take a look.

It is a summertime share this week with the first of the eggplant and cucumbers being harvested. The cucumbers are gorgeous and summer squash is still abundant this week. Everything looks delicious!

A reminder that the optional shares for mushrooms and fruit are to be picked up only by those who have ordered them. We want to make sure that everyone picks up only the items that they have ordered.

Marketplace items are available each week: vegetables in bulk, honey, maple syrup, chocolate and coffee. To order, log into your CSA member account from the farm website home page. Please note: The order deadline for delivery of your Marketplace order is by 1 PM the day before your CSA delivery except for mushroom orders, which must be received by the farm by Friday noon for delivery. Orders received after the deadline will be delivered the following CSA delivery week. You will receive an e-mail confirmation and reminder of your Marketplace order.

Enjoy the Vegetables and this wonderful summer weather.
Everyone at Stoneledge Farm