Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Pickup will be hosted at a member's apartment on the UES. The address will be provided in confirmation email.

Place orders for pastured eggs, cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition of 60 small family farms in Upstate

Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Pickup will be hosted at a member's apartment on the UES. The address will be provided in confirmation email.

Place orders for pastured eggs, cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition of 60 small family farms in Upstate

Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Pickup will be hosted at a member's apartment on the UES. The address will be provided in confirmation email.

Place orders for pastured eggs, cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition of 60 small family farms in Upstate

Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Pickup will be hosted at a member's apartment on the UES. The address will be provided in confirmation email.

Place orders for pastured eggs, cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition of 60 small family farms in Upstate

[CANCELED] Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Update: Now delivering via UPS

Members can place Lewis Waite orders via UPS at https://csalewiswaitefarm.com/. LWF is shipping cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition

[CANCELED] Lewis Waite Farm Delivery

Update: Now delivering via UPS

Members can place Lewis Waite orders via UPS at https://csalewiswaitefarm.com/. LWF is shipping cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition