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[CANCELED] Lewis Waite Farm Delivery
Update: Now delivering via UPSMembers can place Lewis Waite orders via UPS at https://csalewiswaitefarm.com/. LWF is shipping cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition …
Virtual “Meet Your Farmer” Zoom with Stoneledge Farm
ZoomMeet your farmers, see your farm at work. Join farmers Peter and Candice Kavakos to hear about happenings on the farm and learn about their community supported agriculture (CSA) program, …
[CANCELED] Lewis Waite Farm Delivery
Update: Now delivering via UPSMembers can place Lewis Waite orders via UPS at https://csalewiswaitefarm.com/. LWF is shipping cheeses, milk, bread and pizza, jams, butter, grass fed meat, pastured poultry, and much more from a coalition …