Here is this week’s newsletter.Recipes for Bruschetta, Potato Salad, and Chilled Zucchini Soup.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes – Week 9
This week’s newsletter has recipes for green beans, tomatoes and eggplant. Plus some storing tips.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 8
Here is this week’s newsletter.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 7
Week 7 newsletter. Check out Judi’s suggestion for creating scallion flowers, plus other good ideas! Thanks Barbara for putting the newsletter together.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 6
Here is the newsletter for week 6. Check out Judi’s recipe for hot cucumbers.
Word file WEEK 6.2012
PDF file WEEK 6.2012
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 5
Here is this week’s newsletter. Thanks to Barbara for putting it together and Judi for the recipes. Check out the recipe for beets in a pastry!!!
Word file week 5.csa newsletter
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 4
Attached is this week’s newsletter. Included is a how-to for drying herbs.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 3
Here is the newsletter for week 3. As stated by one of the core group members — “Judi, you’ve managed to come up with great recipes for the mint, and just about every veggie in our share this week. Fabulous.” PJ
Thanks again to YooMi for putting the newsletter together.
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 2
Here is this weeks newsletter. Judi’s recipes for Spinach, Swiss Chard and the Asian Dressing look really good. Thanks for creating the newsletter YooMi!
CHCSA Newsletter/Recipes — Week 1
Here is this week’s newsletter. Judi has some suggestions for Bok Choy and Radish Greens. Thank you’s to Sue for suggesting the Chinese Stir Fry and YooMi for putting the newsletter together. Check out the great diagram YooMi created to help you tell the different greens apart. WEEK 1.2012_Newsletter