Week #2 — Farmer’s Note

Dear CSA Member,

 Refrigerators will be full of greens this week. A salad spinner and wok will be useful.

Lettuces of three varieties: Romaine, Red Tide Red Leaf and Tropicana Green Leaf lettuce. Bright red Cherriette Radishes, thinly sliced Mizuna added to the lettuces make a beautiful salad.  Mizuna is also a great addition to the Boc Choi for a stir fry.

There is nothing that can beat a salad spinner this time of year. I have found it easiest to wash greens by cutting the stem portion off, giving the leaves a good dunk, drain and dunk again, spin dry.  The lettuces will keep for at least a week in the salad spinner if you have enough room or in a plastic bag or container.

Boc Choi is delicious and plentiful. More stir fry for a quick and easy dinner.  

Natacha Escarole is a slightly bitter green. White Beans and Escarole are a classic. There are very good recipes for Escarole on the farm website “Recipes” section that members have contributed them over time.  Doesn’t Warm French Lentil Salad sound great? 

The CSA Marketplace is open and you can order Honey, Maple, Coffee and Organic Dark Chocolate to be delivered with your CSA shares. Members are raving about the Organic Dark Chocolate. Who would think that something so absolutely delicious could also be so good for you?

Fruit Shares can still be added to your Vegetable Share but we will be closing the Fruit Shares on June 21.  If you would like to order Fruit, log into your CSA Member Account*, select 2014 CSA Shares and add the Fruit Share.

Enjoy the vegetables.
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

*This is the Stoneledge Farm website https://www.stoneledgefarmny.org not csasprouts.org